Tuesday, September 11, 2012


http://www.celebuzz.com/the-wanted-make-subtle-dig-at-one-directionTHE ABOVE LINK GOES WITH MY POST,CLICK ON IT!
What is the role of social media in America Society? 
Well that is simple it just means to communicate with other people in the world about things that go on in life. for example gossip,rumors,news etc.
Short explanation on my blogpost!:)
Hey you guys I really hope you all are studying for your tests and having a nice day...but today I am posting about the one and only One direction! As you all may know they have been selling tons and tons of albums everyday getting richer and lots of fame each day. As well as The Wanted. Both of these groups of boys, have given each and every one of us another reason on why to love music,life and especially socialize because,we know that each group has there pros and cons. So the link, is about how the wanted is having a little competition agaisnt one Direction because people do not know who is the best, out of the 2. The link also reveals a secrect about Harry Styles! So don't miss this. Don;t worry the Article is short, and very interesting!:) 

QUESTION? WHO IS THE BETTER BOY BAND 1D OR THE WANTED? Lets have or own socializing talk,which shows a good example abt. what social media means! 

1D            OR       WANTED


  1. Well I've heard the both of them and have to say they're both very good. And they both have catchy songs. But I'm going to have to say I like 1D better since they give that extra boost of self-esteem that we all need every once in while.

  2. I definitively agree, I mean half of the type i barely even understand what the Wanted songs are trying to say like, "Chasing the sun" whats the whole point of that song or the meaning. I mean ID is much more catchier and UNDERSTANDABLE because for ex: "What makes you beautiful" you know it has to do with something "that makes you beautiful" LOL

  3. I dislike One Direction SO MUCH! -_- so I go for The Wanted because I love the beats of their songs. In my opinion I just find One Direction pointless but, other people love them so I guess they're ok.

  4. Well in my opinion...your opinion matters but ONE DIRECTION IS STILL BETTER.Naomi agrees with me so, ...it's 2 against 1

  5. Did y'all ever think that it might have to do with the targeted audience

  6. Well some people like to listen to their music, because it's there favorite genre is that what you mean?

    1. that and if there's a specific age group involved
