Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Is Conversation a Lost Art?

It is amazing how much how society has transitioned from being one that thrived off of in-person communication with beloved loved ones to one that lauds the tweets of infamous individuals who are recognizable by the asinine antics of their monitored lives.  I think back to my most vivid childhood memories. Summers spent at my grandparents' house were full on conversations around their wooden kitchen table.  I also remember staying up for hours talking in the dimly lit library of Georgetown University, regaling about childhood memories and adolescent moments.  These are the moments in which you really undertand another person.  Though social media sites like Twitter and Facebook can reveal a lot about a person, sometimes I wonder how much are people posting and tweeting to entertain others rather than revealing their real selves.  Is that even possible via this medium?  But if social media is where we are headed as our primary means of commnication, what does that mean for the future of simple intimate conversation?  I guess you can consider it a dying art...
Video...WATCH ME.

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