Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Magazine Adds: Do they REALLY work -.-

If you've ever opened up a Seventeen Magazine, you are kicked in the face with around 20 billion adds for makeup, hair shtuff, clothes, smelly shtuff, and expensive shtuff. Shtuff that we don't really need. Or do we?

Ms. Murphy swears that a "good" advertisement makes you want something.
A "great" advertisement" makes you NEED something.
At what point do we decide that Eva Longoria's sexy eyelashes or Sofia Vergara's Diet Pepsi photoshoot make us all of a sudden "need" the product? This whole advertisement ordeal is brainwash.

I can't complain though. We shouldn't complain. America is awesome, we look gewd, we enjoy the luxeries we buy... even if they're just on a Seventeen Magazine spread. Yeah, it's brainwash, it's the way we make money. Without money, our world would not go round.

Peace out. Peace out.

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