Thursday, September 6, 2012

Looking Back at Our Childhood Memories!

As a I was growing up with my two older sisters and my younger brother, we would watch Disney Films."The Beauty and the Beast," "Cinderella," and "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" are all classic movies from my childhood. Now, I see my nephew watching "Cars," "Brave," and "Up" and they have improved so much! From the way the hair moves in the old movies, it moves together as a whole; but in the new animations, the hair moves with the wind like how our real hair would do so. It's amazing. Although I love the new movies from Disney, I would chose the classic over it anytime. My nephew recently began watching the old films from my childhood and he enjoys them just as much as the new ones or even more. It has opened my eyes at how advanced and improved films have gotten over the years.

1 comment:

  1. Nothing can compare to CLASSIC Disney films!!!! "Cinderelli Cinderelli!...."
