Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Facebook HUGE role in American society

As we all know, Facebook has been playing a huge role in American society specially in teenager's lives. Facebook helps you keep in touch with friends whom you don't regurlarly get to see or haven't seen in like forever!! Also, you can know and see what your relatives and friends living in other countries are up to. Facebook is a form of entertainment where you can spend hours and hours if you find it that interesting... Lastly, Facebook has been a very common way for companies and news channels to keep you updated on what's happening around you. 


  1. I totally agree with you. Another thing Facebook has been doing is networking. I know my sister, that attends Syracuse University, uses Facebook to keep in contact with doctors she has met. Ofcourse, she uses emails and whatnot but it goes to a deeper level. You see pictures and how they really interact with people.

  2. Got to love me some facebook.
