Wednesday, September 26, 2012

What is Regulations?

The actual definition of regulations is the act of using principles, rules, or laws designed to control or govern conduct. Are they good or bad? What do they mean for society? Just about everything uses regulations from television shows to school to the constitution. Regulations are what keep society in check to keep moving forward in life and sometimes those regulations need to be enforced. Regulations is another fancy word for rules, nothing more and nothing less.

Ummmm WHYYYY?!?! 

Censor ship is just a way to get the government and any other higher authority to have more power, by just blogging, speaking and or finding out about certain information, our rights to express our self have been restricted. So whats the point of freedom? We as the people are said to have freedom of speech, religion, gatherings and press, but what we say is always being monitored, watched, recorded and who knows what else!  But we do not have the right to put our words, thoughts and ideas out in public, because other people will start to open their eyes to reality and the power that the government had will vanish. Some how i believe now that by censoring and or monitoring what people do, the government has increased there power, to the point where in the future the people will not have a mind of their own, and that we would be used to the governments power. As for in the you tube video, by GOOD, shows great examples on how they truly are controlling the people, and making them so broad minded because they are not capable of knowing what goes around the entire world. So now why make up a bill of rights, if those rules that they have are not even respected by the ones who created it. So why have censor ship, all i want is to learn more. 
Watch this video it will blow your F***ig mind off!!! lol 

!The Show: "South Park" Cartman says F**k! and more...

Apparently in any other T.V show... any curse word a person says... it has to be censored. But on this show you will always here them being said! This show does come on Comedy central, becuase it is used for comedy for older people/young adults...but sometimes kids decide to watch this at a young age. It is obvious that it is not appropiate for them to watch it...but they do anyways. I have heard kids and my own little cousins say the words that the following video says...the problem is that they are to young to understand. So my question is that should they censor the cursing on this show and put regulations on it? or leave it how it is because it is a part of humanity! :) PLZ WATCH THE VIDEO IT IS HILARIOUS/ COMMMENT. THANKS!

Famous Films That Have Been Censored.

This film was censored in North Korea, because apparently 2012 marks Kim Il Sung's 100th birthday. North Korea itself is a country that censors everything from their people.
Rambo(Numerous Films)
Countries like Vietnam and Burma censored this film due to the fact that this film portrayed their people in an ugly way.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Self Explanatory. Scary and bloody...
Ukraine censored the first 2 films, because they think that this film promotes Eastern Europeans as buyers of people and torture,
The Dictator
I say by far, this film could be a really educational film for us to watch in class, because it is facing the same issue we are talking about. The Dictator has been banned from
This film is banned in Iran, because they claim the portrayal of King Xerxes is offending. I agree with the fact that he did look mildly unpleasant, but I wouldn't find it offending even though I'm not from Iran.
Zack And Miri Make A Porno
This film is banned in Thailand. The reasoning is absurd though. Apparently, they think people of our age would know how to make a porno after this and will most likely turn to the porno industry if we go broke.
Lebanon censored this sad film in their country. They claimed that this was offending to the country of Iran and Islam. First of all, the author of this story is a Muslim from Iran so I think its ok if they talk about their own people


Since this week in our class we are talking about regulation and censorship. I wanted to post about Drake and one of his famous songs..."The Motto". I am a huge fan of Drake, I love his music and I just find him sexy too, ANYWAY my point is that most of his songs have 2 versions. One clean version and an explicit version and I love that. I love it because kids could listen to the clean version and still jam to the song, we the people as in ahem (me) loves the explicit version better because I feel the music more and I get the meaning and understand what the song is trying to express. "The Motto" has 2 versions and its awesome because kids have listened to the clean version and are now obsessed with "YOLO!". In the other hand people that have heard the bad version jam to it and go cray cray...I know I do.
...I hope you found the picture hilarious because I couldn't stop laughing BAHAHAHA! :)

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Disney cuts junk food advertising from its platforms


I honestly didnt know what to write about for this weeks topic but as i came across different things in websites and articles, i got interested in Disney Channel and just "Walt Disney" in total. Since i was little i have watched all the Thats so raven episodes and Hannah Montana reality shows. I could always connect to them no matter if they where good or bad. By the years passed and i began to realize things i found out that Disney was trying to not just to entertain kids but to educate them.
And to go back to my MAIN topic, resently Michelle Obama as yall may know her has made a club and contribuation with "Children obesity" which is a big dilema in alot of places and especially in kids. Regulation comes in place in here because  Disney channels is banning all food and beverage products advertised, sponsored or promoted on the Disney Channel, Disney XD, Disney Junior, Radio Disney and Disney-owned online destinations intended for children 12 and under that do not fit certain nutritional standards by 2015.



So since we were talking about regulation and censors, I figured I would use two versions of one song. Because one version says "I wanna be a billionaire so !@#$%^& bad" and everyone knows the version we hear on the radio. Just click the links below. Link 1 is the original and link 2 is the clean version. Enjoy :).


Thursday, September 20, 2012




Media has definitely played a HUGE roll in our society. new development of technology has being developed and is now condeming our youth minds today.
facebook, instagram, ovoo, yahoo, google, myspace, etc...are all examples of media.  generation z is full of wiredos that doesnt appreciate anything but alway wants more of everything; youth waste their valuable time in media just to be involve with anything in the is definitely taking our mind away from important things that we should be focus on (school). i miss them days when everybody is outgoing, when you go outside to meet new people but now a days everybody plays a role in media, either you on some social network or you watching tv. media is also separating us from family, the time we suppose to value and appreciate the good things/ people we have around us, we end up wasting it on media. i understand media is sometimes helpful but itz also the devil to us because we focus on the wrong things which starts up drama and bunch of mess.


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Is Conversation a Lost Art?

It is amazing how much how society has transitioned from being one that thrived off of in-person communication with beloved loved ones to one that lauds the tweets of infamous individuals who are recognizable by the asinine antics of their monitored lives.  I think back to my most vivid childhood memories. Summers spent at my grandparents' house were full on conversations around their wooden kitchen table.  I also remember staying up for hours talking in the dimly lit library of Georgetown University, regaling about childhood memories and adolescent moments.  These are the moments in which you really undertand another person.  Though social media sites like Twitter and Facebook can reveal a lot about a person, sometimes I wonder how much are people posting and tweeting to entertain others rather than revealing their real selves.  Is that even possible via this medium?  But if social media is where we are headed as our primary means of commnication, what does that mean for the future of simple intimate conversation?  I guess you can consider it a dying art...
Video...WATCH ME.

The New Thing

          Social media is controlled by us, we make it happen. I still remember those days when Myspace was the thing, now people are into Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and all the other social media websites out there. We use social media to be able to learn new things, communicate with family and friends and also to entertain ourselves and have fun. Everyone that uses a type of social media has made that media popular just by having an account. Lets admit it social media can waste our time, but also take all the stress away by having some time to ourselves by watching videos or just catching up with friends and families.

For Our Entertainment...

The role of social media to me has always been the same. That role is to keep people entertained. When someones at home they're so bored out their minds they hop on the internet and go to facebook, youtube, tumbler, etc. Sure sometimes we use it for information say a school project but for the most part its mainly for people to stay in contact with friends and do things; basically not be bored.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Facebook!!!Everywhere!!!Me No Happy!!!

As I was looking through the list of all the blogs posted, I couldn't bear to notice that there were 7 posts about social media and 4 out of those 7 had Facebook on the title.

 Why is this the first thing that pops out in our mind when we start talking about Social Media?

How come I have an option to share this Facebook on all the blog posts?

 How come when I was looking up articles to share with you guys, I come across this all the time?

Why do I see a lot of students on their phones during class just to be on Facebook?
(Oooopps sorry guys)
What I'm trying to say is Facebook is just overused now and I don't see how people don't get annoyed to see this 24/7.

Please tell me if I'm wrong or if you have never heard of Facebook in your life.
Also, please like my post.:-D

reblog it !

Do you love taking pictures or just looking through pictures and pictures and pictures all day while meeting new people?
Well if your anwser is yes you should TOTALLY get a Tumblr, this is an amazing social media web that helps you connect with friends and meet new ones by rebloging pictures and uploading photos and videos! I dont know but since i saw this i fell in love with it and i couldnt stop rebloging pictures and scrolling down to see new ones that caught my attention. Different people reblog different pictures depending on there mood or what they like/love and that made me question there thoughts and feelings or even better connect with there feelings.
I do admit this this takes ALOT of your time because you get so addicted that all you wanna do is stare at your computer screen for hours and hours. This is a great example to social media because you connect to the world with pictures of anything.
If your ready to explore a new world of media or just keep rebloging pictures on your blog click* the link below and start your (no life) adventure :D

The "LIKE" Button

It is big, blue, hard to miss, always in your face for attention! No it is not the Cookie Monster for those thinking so hard. It's actually the LIKE button on Facebook. Think About It: How many times have you seen this image and where have you seen it. It's pratically all over the globe; first it was a creation of Facebook, in order for your friends to show their affection to your posts and statuses. But now you've got this representing votes, companies, jokes, and it has transformed to this symbol used by the whole world. You see it EVERYWHERE, nowadays. Facebook must be sooo proud of themselves for this "glorious" creation.


Learnings From J-14!


MAGAZINES!!!! Yeah i read them too. I can never go a week without and for most Americans, it's basically the same. Magazines are like the upgrade and colorful newspaper that quickly captures my generation's attention. For example, my favorite MAG is J-14, it keeps me updated on the new fashion trends and most of all, my celebrity gossip section. I literally learn more things from my MAG, than i do in my classes.(No offence Ms.Murphy!). Take the challenge of reading a magazine for every class you have and compare what you learned from both sources!

Music to my ears....

People can have different opinions about different music. Pop, rock, rap, R&B, country and so on. Music these days can effect minds a lot though, especially rock and rap. These genres especially have an effect because the words the artists use can have a huge impact. Like some rap songs may say "smoke weed all day, makes my day" something like that and teens will think that its cool and will do it. In rock music, the lyrics about love, killing, adrenaline, etc. can effect a teens actions because they would get "hypnotized". Thats why we have to look at the music we listen to because it could cause something that we might not want in our society. What do you think about this? Do you think this is true?
Instagram is a part of social media b/c you can see the different pics from people all over the world its really cool and I like it check it out.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Twitter&Facebook. I have the attention span of a piece of rice.

If you have a twitter, gross. Twitter sparked it's peak of popularity in 2009, infamous for it's easy accessibility of updating about your life.
If you have a Facebook, gross. It's evil. I have a Facebook, and it's evil. Facebook caught their popularity in 2005, creating easy access to staying in touch with people.
On a more relatable scale, along with trying to focus on homework, our generation has twitter on one shoulder and Facebook on the other, constantly BEGGING us to log in. And once we log in, we're glued.

I just caught myself on Facebook for the last 10 minutes.

Anyway, back to what I was saying. These social websites are laughing at us teenagers, because we are so in love with them. On Facebook I find at least 8 advertisements, all appealing. While on Facebook, I like "Gummy Bears" and "My Chemical Romance" - and I am now wanting the two. It's a never ending cycle of stuff that I want. It's a vicious scheme that is SO addicting to be on. Is Facebook and Twitter affecting our generation in school? I don't know, I'm too busy updating my status.

Hold on, I just got a notification.

Oh, and here's a link to a pretty awesome song.

The Social Web

As the image above reveals a lot about social media, I strongly believe that is has to do with entertaining, informing, and advertising people about what is new or what is out there in the world. Whether it has to do with friends, schools, or family it is a huge part of everyone's life. Companies have their own Facebook or Twitter, but why and for what? Well, to connect with their customers and to capture other viewers. This reveals social media also has a part in networking as well. And it all connects together, social media is shown in commercials or on billboards where it mentions, "like us on Facebook!" It is all just one big Social Web! 

Facebook HUGE role in American society

As we all know, Facebook has been playing a huge role in American society specially in teenager's lives. Facebook helps you keep in touch with friends whom you don't regurlarly get to see or haven't seen in like forever!! Also, you can know and see what your relatives and friends living in other countries are up to. Facebook is a form of entertainment where you can spend hours and hours if you find it that interesting... Lastly, Facebook has been a very common way for companies and news channels to keep you updated on what's happening around you. 

social media

people are interested in social media because they can get so consumed into the fun of social media. some people are unare of the dangers of social media. i believe that if you use a social media website then you should take precautions because you can meet stalkers and killers. other sites such as twitter can be addicting or saught as games to see who can get the most updates or tweets. instagram is where people come together and like peoples pictures with diffrent backgrounds. linked in is for people who are professionals looking for is used to discover people and to show off talents. youtube is also used to watch movies and music video. older people like is also used for jobs. then you have things like blackpeople meet,eharmony,christianmingle,and
best tv shows:
im late but my favorite tv show is love n hip hop atl and t.i and tiny the family hustle

Facebook (:

Facebook...yes, Facebook. If I go around KHHS and do a student survey asking what people know about Facebook I would get SO many responses it's not even funny. Facebook is one of the world's most trending social blogs. Facebook is actually a great example of social media because social media is a web based technology that turns communication into interactive dialogues among communities. Facebook is a web based technology and now a days also a mobile based technology that show us different gossip and news about things in society. In my opinion Facebook is awesome but, there are also web pages like Twitter or Tumblr that I don't know about yet...but, soon I will use and they are probably maybe even better than Facebook. I don't know I'll see! :)


The role of print media in society is to entertain their only audience wich is the old people. also to give important news that is worldwide and let everybody know what is really happening in this generation and how people are dealing with daily problems. print media is definitely for everyone but most peopl (teenagers) doesn't care nor pay attention to newspapers anymore; new technolgies have taken place and brain watched our youngstars. print media is not popular like it use to be in the 90's because not only new technologies but also people have grown develop new ways to advertise and entertain people today...

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Magazine Adds: Do they REALLY work -.-

If you've ever opened up a Seventeen Magazine, you are kicked in the face with around 20 billion adds for makeup, hair shtuff, clothes, smelly shtuff, and expensive shtuff. Shtuff that we don't really need. Or do we?

Ms. Murphy swears that a "good" advertisement makes you want something.
A "great" advertisement" makes you NEED something.
At what point do we decide that Eva Longoria's sexy eyelashes or Sofia Vergara's Diet Pepsi photoshoot make us all of a sudden "need" the product? This whole advertisement ordeal is brainwash.

I can't complain though. We shouldn't complain. America is awesome, we look gewd, we enjoy the luxeries we buy... even if they're just on a Seventeen Magazine spread. Yeah, it's brainwash, it's the way we make money. Without money, our world would not go round.

Peace out. Peace out.

What is the role of social media in America Society? 
Well that is simple it just means to communicate with other people in the world about things that go on in life. for example gossip,rumors,news etc.
Short explanation on my blogpost!:)
Hey you guys I really hope you all are studying for your tests and having a nice day...but today I am posting about the one and only One direction! As you all may know they have been selling tons and tons of albums everyday getting richer and lots of fame each day. As well as The Wanted. Both of these groups of boys, have given each and every one of us another reason on why to love music,life and especially socialize because,we know that each group has there pros and cons. So the link, is about how the wanted is having a little competition agaisnt one Direction because people do not know who is the best, out of the 2. The link also reveals a secrect about Harry Styles! So don't miss this. Don;t worry the Article is short, and very interesting!:) 

QUESTION? WHO IS THE BETTER BOY BAND 1D OR THE WANTED? Lets have or own socializing talk,which shows a good example abt. what social media means! 

1D            OR       WANTED

TV Show and Film

The PowerPuff Girls have given me confidence out the "wazzzzoo" If it werent for them teaching me girl power I probaly would be a lonely and depressed child. the show is truly amazing and gives girls (old and young) a sense a confidence all through A freaking TV SHOW!! so cool? I know right... Sugar Spice and Everthing Nice. Peace out : )

Radio and Music

Radio and Music! Nicki has had a huge impact on the music industry and todays teens as well. she has made a huge influence on young teens (male and female) by starting the "barbie movement" her music is truly amazing, makes you want to dance, and always makes you smile.. Check her out!!

Print Media

Teen Vogue has a great effect to teens as print media because it shows them lots of things, what to wear how to talk, even when to dumb their boy friends. Its way cool, and I have like 150 copies (no lie) at my house, check it out.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Youtube: Viral vs. Non-viral

I figured since youtube is a form of social media I would talk about viral vs. non-viral. I wanted to know what videos could go viral and what videos couldn't. So I'm going to use these to links one is to a video of a dance battle between the Kaos B-boys and the HAVIKORO crew. And the other video is a video used for comedic pleasure and entertainment called asdf movie which went viral super fast. Enjoy :).

P.S. I chose a Kaos B-boys video for non-viral because they are my uncles crew from way back when but unfortunately can no longer do their moves because the can hurt themselves;).  (2,515 Hits)  (1,704,964 Hits)

Thursday, September 6, 2012

R.I.P. Michael Clarke Duncan

As many of you have probably heard, the great American actor best known as Mr. Bones has recently passed. The 54 year old, Michael Clarke Duncan, "never fully recovered from his July 13th heart attack" and died this Monday, September 3,2012. Mr. Duncan was a wonderful actor and fiancee to Omorasa Manigault. He starred in movies such as The DareDevil- with Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner-,Planet of the Apes, The Scorpion King, Armaggedon and was best known as Coffey in The Green Mile and so many more films we've loved. He also guest starred in one of my all time favorite shows: Two and a Half Men with Charlie Sheen. Mr. Duncan has won many awards and has been nominated several times for the Golden Globes and The Academy awards. Deepest gratitude for all of your work for us and you will indeed be dearly missed by your fans and loved ones- including me. Rest In Peace, Michael.


Family Guy :)

Alright guys so the topic this week is films and the society right? So I chose Family Guy. This show is a show I will always watched no matter what. I know you guys are like " Wow what an immature tenth grader watching Family guy and saying it is funny," well so what. This show has really shown me a lot about life in all subjects. This show has also impacted little kids. Think about have you ever seen a little sibling our cousin watch this show and you are like " what the? I didn't watch that until I was 12" or something like that. Well I am just saying that this show should not be watched by kids under 13. It is to much for them.
(sorry no link this week).

Our Fantasy Movies

There are so many movies avaliable today, for not just Americans but for the whole world in general. Throughout history, movies have been an American's pass to crossing the line between Reality and Fantasy. From the animated fairytale movies such as Rango, Shrek, Lion King, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs to the prime time live acting movies like, Inception, Dear John, Fast and Furious, and so many more that have satisfied our fantasy cravings. However, there are also big named movies that anchor down our hearts for no matter how long they were created. Movies such like, Remember the Titans, The Titanic, The Harry Potter Series and so much more that we can never let go of. It doesn't matter what type of genre movie we all love to watch because in the end, we have chosen a movie thats we hope will come true for us someday; and that just might be what movies are to the American Society-- their tickets into their longing fantansies. How do you think the movies that you watch describe how you are?