Tuesday, August 28, 2012

"Hit The Lights"

What if there weren't any music to listen to? No sounds, no up beats, no rthythm of any sorts? For me, music is a joy and soulful to anyone who hears it. For others, music is a way of life that gets them through any situation they are in. However, it is viewed, we can all agree that music is essential to human life and it does relate to any mood we are going through. For an example, Selena Gomez's new song, "Hit The Lights" is sung by many whenever people are in a party mood or just need to jump around. However Trey Songz's latest hit titled "Heart Attack" is for those who have went through a heart break in life or who have experienced saddness or confusion lately. Basically Music has been there for all of us, whether in hymns, screams, mellowed out tunes, or peaceful medicates, it has contributed and helped us through it all.





  1. I love this! I totally agree with you Doris music is a joy and it can relate to you and your feelings. I don't know what I would do without music because when I'm having a bad day I automatically listen to songs that I love and I cheer up quickly so yeah to me it is essential to life. Then again that's my opinion others can have a different view but, I do agree with you Doris!

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  3. I really like your main points Doris there straight up with no doubt!
    I agree with your thoughts and opions because i feel the same way to, especially because am always listening to music everywhere.
    Music is the main thing that helps me not get boreed when am alone taking a long shower afterschool or am just on my way home in the bus. Listening to music makes me reflect on my day! This goes back and connects on how music connects to Americans society, artist try to catch peoples attention not only with the lyrics but with rythem too. (:

  4. Nice job! Doris you are 100% correct. Music is a part of our life, it helps us grow,understand, enjoy, change our feelings/thoughts and especially entertain. Everyone has there favorite song/genre that they love listening to, which helps a persons personality and makes them unique.Songs/music can truly turn a sad face into a lovely smile. To me music is another tradition/religion because it really motivates to keep dreaming,hoping and to stay alive! :)
