Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Times Are a Changin'

Previous generations (Generation X and Y and previous unnamed generations before them) were just as interconnected with their music as Generation Z if not mor connected. Generation Z has a claim to being more "in the know" about their artists. For example, there are numerous blogs such as "Paris Hilton" and "The YBF" that chronicle the daily happenings of our favorite artists. We are able to know about Kim Kardashian's spottings and Kanye West's blunders as frequently and easily as spotting the weather. In retrospect, generations that serve as predecessors to Generation X, for example, the generation that accept Billy Holiday's interracial club performances in New York (circa 1940s), still thrived on experiencing their artists in person. In addition, Bob Dulan's 1960s protest songs were made popular via their live performances versus recordings. Thus shows that a human connection was  necessary and essential to audiences making the music popular. Though the current Internet generation is aware of the personal details of their favorites artists, previous generations were still connected to their favorite artists' work.

How does music affect your mood?

When it comes to music my initial thoughts are grooving to the beat! Well who wouldnt?
As i was going through some web articles i came across this quote above in the picture. I connected to this quote automatically because i ALWAYS come across to a song i could connect to or you know deep inside that you could understand it perfectly in your life.

 How does music affect your mood?
This topic of this week is , What is the role of music in American society?  I go back to how music attracts the audience by connecting and understanding their fans. The main role is to convince the audience that their music is the best ever so they can become really famous. People never think about what music makes you think or do for example, "How does music affect your mood?" I put a link below this so yall can see more and get inform more but its mostly about what/how music makes you feel and depending how you feel makes the artist want to write more songs about thoose topics or that especifically rythem. To sell more album hits.

" "

Just keep in mind can your mood be created in a possitive way or negative way according to the song you are hearing?


Artist Overusing First Amendment...

Artists have all the right to express their emotions and say what they are feeling at the moment. Though, when   it is against someone, artists overuse their right of freedom of speech.
Eminem is an excellent rapper and has amazing lyrics that come from his life. However, he has created a lot of scandals from his own lyrics. For example, his depictions about Michael Jackson in his song "Just Lose It", may have shown a little too much disrespect. My question to you is, do you think artists should be allowed to record these offensive statements, even though the first amendment protects them?
I found this old article regarding the situation.(Link is below)

Can music affect childrens development?
We are hooked on music, you see children from any age with ipods these days but could that be what causes them to comprehend certain things, and or improved their development?

"Power of Music"

Music has always been a part of me. As I researched on this week's topic, I came across this article that expressed in the perfect words for how I feel about music. It is powerful. Many people write music to express their emotions or personality, others dance to it express, and there are others that listen to it because it relates to the mood they are in. It all comes down to the enjoyment and the liberty to express yourself through the power of music. And it isn't like there is only one type, there is many as we have discussed in class this week. To each its own! We all have our different taste and opinions and music helps with that. Below is the link to the article that reveals the power of music.

we are in the age where technology is everywhere! many people are more interested in the celebrity and music portion. the saying goes kids now days learn how to use electronics and can memorize lyrics faster than they can learn/understand their school work.
there are many different genres of music! each type has something in its beats or lyrics that capture their audience. this affects people now because its almost like they brain wash them. people are so captivated in the music that they dont focus on important thing. it is good because people can relate to the lyrics when they are in diffrent moods.
my favorite artist are drake,usher,Lloyd,rihanna,Nicki minaj,bow wow,Chris brown,big sean,and justin bieber!i love these artist mostly because of their taste in music,beats and lyrics. everywhere i go i listen to music even in class!....oops dont tell!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Lil' Boosie vs. Pearl Jam: COME ON.

      There's a fairly new rapper out on the streets, they call him "Lil' Boosie." What an intricately creative name (smh), I thought to myself as I clicked the "like" button on Facebook. I decided to look up some of his lyrics, give the kid a fair chance. I read the following:
"When I step off in tha' club
****** give me daps and hugs
**** winking they eyeI know one thing now
They wanna ***"
     I thought to myself for a second. Ohh... what has this world come to.But first, let's back up for a second. Music. Music is the outcry of emotion, the depiction of life itself. With music came the blues, with music came sentimental love poems. Music was the way to portray such a passionate sign of humanity. But it's like as soon as I read some more lyrics, whether it's Lil' Boosie's "**** the Police," Pitbull's "Hotel Room," or Big Sean's "Butt Butt Butt," I face palm in dissapointment- WHAT HAS THIS WORLD COME TO.

      Not to toot my own horn, but Pearl Jam is awesome. They are one of the many foundations of "Grunge" in the 90's, a rock band based in Washington. I decided to play it fair and look up one of their songs as well. I read the following:
"Sheets of empty canvas, untouched sheets of clay
Were laid spread out before me as her body once did...
I know someday you'll have a beautiful life,
I know you'll be a star in somebody else's sky,
But why, why, why can't it be, can't it be mine?"

Huge gap in poetic depth, huge generation gap. What's Pearl Jam's message? Can you feel the music, dude?
Yeah, our society is going south. Real fast.
Rock on. \m/

Indie Rock Makes Me Happy! :)

Since this week our topic is about music I wanted to share another genre that most people don't know about and that's Indie rock. It's an alternative rock that originated in the United Kingdom and the United States in the 1980's. I barely found out about Indie music last year and one of my first songs that I listened to that was Indie Rock was "Daylight" by Matt and Kim. This song is a popular Indie song that most people that are Indie lovers know about. I loved this song because it's so happy and up beat, every time I hear the song it makes me happy! Don't get me wrong I love all kinds of music but, I just wanted to inform you about Indie music because to me it's awesome! Here is the link of the song so you can listen to it. Thanks! :)

"Hit The Lights"

What if there weren't any music to listen to? No sounds, no up beats, no rthythm of any sorts? For me, music is a joy and soulful to anyone who hears it. For others, music is a way of life that gets them through any situation they are in. However, it is viewed, we can all agree that music is essential to human life and it does relate to any mood we are going through. For an example, Selena Gomez's new song, "Hit The Lights" is sung by many whenever people are in a party mood or just need to jump around. However Trey Songz's latest hit titled "Heart Attack" is for those who have went through a heart break in life or who have experienced saddness or confusion lately. Basically Music has been there for all of us, whether in hymns, screams, mellowed out tunes, or peaceful medicates, it has contributed and helped us through it all.




Saturday, August 25, 2012

REBECCA BLACK: Does She Have Crave or Craze For Fame?


                                        * A Little Summary about Rebecca Black*

Just in case for you all who don't know who Rebecca Black is... Rebecca Black gained fame from the media at age thirteen in early 2011 with her music hit single "Friday" which went, viral on YouTube a little over more than a year ago. She received within 3 months, more than 160,000,000 views which got her fame and attention from the media, as well as her peeps,and her millions of haters worldwide. People than gave her death threats, because according to the media, the video was rated the worst/annoying/most hated video ever created. Rebecca Black, then began to receive bullying constantly from people, that she had to, be home schooled because she could no longer handle people thoughts/opinions about her music video. Now she has moved on from this situation,and has continued to try to impress the world with her latest songs/music videos on YouTube.Another interesting is that REBECCA IS THE 1# MOST SEARCHED PERSON ON GOOGLE.

                            *Why does this example go with this weeks essential question?*
The question for this week was "What is the role of music/radio in American society?". I think that the role of music/radio in media is people who come up with new genres of music to entertain the people around the world (diversity) and then the music gains popularity then is heard and published worldwide. which then for this reason, the media gets involved.

                                   *Why did I decide to blog about Rebecca Black?*
Rebecca became famous with one single music video because,a lot of people hated it. People would say that her genre was/is just auto tune because she can not sing, what so ever. so music could have a postive affect on singers, or a negative one. In this case Rebecca Black, has a negative effect in music/radio in American society. however, the only thing Rebecca Black is trying to do is pursue her dream, of becoming a singer. She does not give up this dream, and continues to create new music videos by using auto tune.


Thursday, August 23, 2012

So im sure everyone has seen the Proactive commercial with Justin Bieber where he supposly shows up at your door step with this product for your face. Honestly i think this is a good example of Media because of the fact that ALOT of girls like Justin Bieber so proactive figures that if they see that Justin Bieber "uses proactive" then so will everyone else. And to add on to that you see that he is actually delivering this to you so that persuades the audience to want to buy it more. Even though im pretty sure most of us know that most likely Justin Bieber doesn't even use proactive and there is a great chance that the scene where he is delivering the product was rehearsed. This shows that media in american society can be VERY persuasive and its also very strong because they know how to target just the right people and the right way to do it which makes it extrememly difficult for you to refuse. 

How educated are state legislators ... really?

The article I found is about state legislators in the U.S. and their education. I found interesting that there are legislators out there representing states and making state laws without having gone to any college. The good thing is that Texas is in the top 5 states to have the most legislators with a bachelor's, master's law or doctorate degree. To me this article relates to our topic in the way that the role of print media in American society is to inform us about the government and the people that we choose to represent us.
After knowing this information, would you research a legislator more to know who exactly is representing us?


Prince Harry's Naked Picture
The famous prince of Wales, Prince Harry, has had naked pictures of him leaked across the internet by The Sun (A famous British newspaper). After these photos were published he's been getting a lot of negative insights on his ego.On the other hand, doesn't this prove that print media plays a big role in bringing a famous public figure down. For example, people like Anthony Wiener, Tiger Woods, Vanessa Hudgens, Kim Kardashian, O.J. Simpson have all been brought down by print media. My question to you is, even though the first amendment clearly allows freedom of press, would the world be a better place if there were some limitations for the press?

Could Aventura "Hermanita" affect the way that people handle domestic violence?

So since this week's topic is about how music affects people, I figured that I should use a song with a video that addresses a big issue. But could the outcome of the video actually cause people to react the same way if your lost don't worry ;) the video will help. As a side note if you want to comment be my guest. Just click the link below
P.S. If you don't speak Spanish, I do apologize but the video might help quite a bit.Enjoy:)

The World is But a Classroom...

"The least of the work of learning is done in the classroom." ~Thomas Merton

My vision for this class is the consequence of noticing how both your and my generations are both endebted and affected by media.  So much of what we do, think, and believe is affected by the all media we hear, see, listen, and interact with.  Just think about how badly your desire transforms to necessity when you see a vibrant ad of the new Nike sneakers?  More influential than this may be how the music, videos, and photos you see in magazines, through the internet, and on your handheld devices shape the beliefs in which you stand grounded. If it is so that our world centers around it, it is our duty to be able to understand how it affects us.  This blog is a way for our class to connect and interact beyond the walls of our classroom.  Use this as a sounding board to post videos, photos, articles, and other posts in which you find interesting.  Do not end the conversation there.  Comment on your peers' posts each week, so we can begin to answer the hard questions.  How does the media truly affect you?  Our conversations in the classroom are merely a starting point for you to begin to unravel and pack the meaning of the world around you.  Good luck on your journey. 

~Ms. Murphy

P.S. I've left you with a grand video in which you should ponder. Again, happy travels.
Click HERE to Watch the Video!
studies show that older people love to read newspapers and they are dying off and more student aged people are interested in magazines or reading it online. if this continues then the paper will go out of business.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

End of news papers??

Will the Internet change everyone's life in the future by getting rid of news papers?? By the sight that our Internet communication is increasing rapidly I am positive that in a blink of a second the newspapers will disappear and we as humans will only depend on online data, what will this change cause in our society and would this benefit us?

Iron Man 3 is not made of iron...,,20621566,00.html

Since I know that we a love Iron Man movies, I thought putting this up might update you guys. So I was looking on for a story when I read that Robert Downy Jr. had gotten injured on the making of the third Iron Man movie. At first I was excited because I saw that they are making a third one but then i felt sad because the movie release will be postponed till later because of the injury.

In serious matters, the question say post about print media. Well I think that print media is media that can be read or interpreted. Like this post; it provides us with news about Iron Man 3 and what is happening backstage. It informs us that for those that love Iron Man will have to wait to enjoy our movie until our man of iron has healed himself to recovery and continues to shoot the movie.Hope you guys like this post as much as i did and hope you guys can comment on this. It will really help me out and improve my posting skills.

Thanks Guys, =)

You Are What You Eat...Maybe?

What the World Eats Photo Essay - Click HERE to View

I came across a great photo essay called "What the World Eats, Part I" from TIME Magazine.  It is an investigative look at the food items that families around the world eat.  What I found especially interesting is the TIME Magazine's choice to include each family's weekly financial expenditure on food.  By simply viewing the slideshow, it becomes incredibly clear to the viewer the close similarities and stark differences amongst these various families.  I immediately expected the American families to have the highest cost of groceries, but the families from Europe, specifically the Melander family of Bargteheide, overall spent the most per week (an equivalent of $500.07!).  It was very disheartening to see how little the The Aboubakar family of Breidjing Camp spent on food especially when juxtaposed against families spending as high as 500% more than their weekly cost.  This photo essay allows the you to see our commonalities as humans on this earth.  With viewing these various families side by side, are you able to make any other poignant observations?

Irresistible Life

In the visual aid above, it shows a young lady promoting LSU on her shirt and purple pants. Given that, the store Victoria's Secret targets towards college students and in specifically, young ladies. With bright, fun colors, it attracts attention. Knowing that women love shopping, Victoria's Secret does a great job promoting and selling their products. They attack their target audiences through the print media such as sending constant emails and mails and advertising on television about new sales, new products, etc. They also have bonuses such as receiving a V.I.P party pass.

Print Media through Spiderman?

In honor of my idol Spiderman I was going through The Houston Chronicle website and I decided to type in Spiderman to see what happens in the search box. When I did that I found a cool article by Rene A.Guzman. It explains how this month Spiderman(as in the comic books) turns 50 years old. Which means 50 years ago in this month Spiderman comic books were being "born". I found that so awesome! On the serious note this ties into what we learned this week with print media because print media is media that is being promoted through the internet or anything printed like magazines, brochures, or pictures. The role of print media in my opinion is to promote and advertise things through internet to get many viewers from people and for whatever their promoting to get popular. In this case of Spiderman print media is being used by Rene A.Guzman to promote her viewers about Spiderman and persuade people that Spiderman is the best superhero ever and that he turns 50 years old this month. People have their different opinions of course but, overall print media is the promotion of different advertisement or articles through the internet, magazines, etc.

The link at the top is the article about Spiderman if you want to check it out! Thanks! :)

Taylor Swift's new lover

 Taylor Swift's new lover
 (click for a quick over view about taylor's life)

Since i love Taylor swift and her amazing songs, i decided to talk about her this week.
I found out about her relationship with one of the Kennedys because one of my friends that attends Deerfield Academy in Massachusetts  had Conner in one of her classes, freshman year.
Asoon as she told i searched it up and it came out to be true.Taylor swift is now officially Conner Kennedy new girlfriend.The video i provided on the bottom of this post includes what currently the couple is doing and how they got caught kissing.

Why does this connect to our question of the week?
Well, when i think about Print Media different things come to mind especially news articles and any type of picture (which are included in some parts of the video). This article about Taylor's swift connects to our question because its advertising her life and what she does with her new boyfriend.
It also makes you wonder if they are going to last or break up sooner or later.
You never thought she could go out with him especially a Kennedy, but its a great article to research and keep up with.
Keep in mind are they really in love or is it just lust?


Would Pokemon have the same problem that Spongbob is having?

Like Edwin was talking about Spongebob, I figured why not build off of that so I wanted to see what people's opinions are or would be if Pokemon had the same issue.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Does the show "Spongebob" benefit us positively at all?

For this week, I decided to go for an article that would interest us by learning about how,shows like "Spongebob" can lower our pace of learning in our school education, especially young aged kids.

Why does this post relates to this weeks question?
I think that first of all the definition of print media, is information that can be seeing in pictures and on the Internet. This type of media can really help promote a persons business and get credibility for it. Basically it's kind of advertising, in a way. This article is relevant because it provides you with serious information about a child's learning, and it attracts people's attention because it is an issue that can affect a person in the future. that way business can seek much more attention from there audience because they provide stories, like the one that I am posting for you all :). Enjoy and comment!

Question:*MY OPINION/THOUGHT ONLY* Do you think that Spongebob is a good Television show? Why or Why not?