Thursday, February 28, 2013

Harlem Shake, are guys finally getting their sexuality out?

Recently there has been a craze on making videos to the song Harlem Shake, and for some odd reason i found out that girls have not taken the huge part of being the sexual object in these videos but instead the guys are getting out there and showing their "stuff". Its shocking seeing guys shaking their "goodies" on a video because we don't see that many shirtless guys shaking anything in any video or anything at all. Usually we see women shaking and dancing very provocative and sexual, but this totally blew my mind away, men now are taking their role, saying girls y'all better watch it because we can be sexy too, well at least try to be sexy. It is now catching the views of many women and man, but hey i don't mind them expressing the urges that they have held for a long time. It has finally come to men portraying a different role in our society. Girls Rule :D !!!!


  1. This is so funny, but I agree! Women are awesome and it's funny how now men are shaking their "thang" and we aren't anymore. Too funny.

  2. lol, I agree. But I like it because anyone can do any move and it will be consodered the harlem shake!
