Thursday, February 28, 2013

Critical Analysis of Media Blog Post Assignment

The World is But a Classroom…: Critical Analysis of Media

“The least of the work of learning is done in the classroom.” – Thomas Merton

 Follow the directions below to successfully complete this assignment.

Acceptable Forms of Media Include (List of Sources at the End of This Document):
·         Blog Posts
·         Articles from newspapers, magazines, and journals (both print and online)
·         Tweets (from public figures)
·         Facebook Posts (from public figures)
·         Television Shows
·         Films
·         Photos
·         Music Videos
·         Songs and Lyrics
·         Radio Broadcasts
·         Advertisements (Print, Commercials, etc.)

Criteria for Choosing Media
·         Other team members must be able to access the media and/or must know the context.
o   If it is an online source, you will provide the link in your post.
o   If it is a television show or film, you must give a summary of what you are referencing and where we can access it.
o   If it is any of the other acceptable sources, you must provide a link to where it can be accessed.

Your Assignment
1.       Think about the week’s essential question.
2.       Find a media entry in which you find interesting and is related to the week’s essential question.
3.       Write an post with the following:
a.       Explain how ____________ (a specific aspect of culture i.e. women, men, African Americans, Latinos, Christianity, etc.) is portrayed in ____________(the media you have chosen).
                                                               i.      How is this aspect of culture being portrayed?
                                                             ii.      Is the portrayal positive or negative?  Why?
b.      Describe the process of how ________ (the media you have chosen) is created.
                                                               i.      Who are the people that played a role in creating this particular medium?
                                                             ii.      Why do you believe they created this particular medium?
c.       How is ________ being received by _________ (pick a specific audience i.e. teenage girls, middle-class families, Latino women, etc.)?
                                                               i.      What is the audience’s reaction to this medium?
                                                             ii.      How will this medium influence future portrayals of ________ (specific aspect of culture you chose)?
d.      Pose a lingering question you still have related to your post, the aspect of culture you chose, or the medium.
4.       Comment on someone else’s blog post.  Your comment must include the following:
a.       Your thoughts on the media in which they posted.
b.      Response to their clarifying question OR Raise a different question

Criteria for Success
·         Your post must be 4-8 grammatically correct, complete sentences each.
·         You must provide a link to the media in which you are referencing.  If it is a film or TV show, you must give a summary of what you are referencing and where we can access it.
·         Your post must include the following:
o   Explanation of how ____________ (a specific aspect of culture i.e. women, men, African Americans, Latinos, Christianity, etc.) is portrayed in ____________(the media you have chosen).
o   Description of the process of how ________ (the media you have chosen) is created.
o   Response to the question, “How is ________ being received by _________ (pick a specific audience i.e. teenage girls, middle-class families, Latino women, etc.)?”
o   Pose a lingering question you still have related to your post, the aspect of culture you chose, or the medium.
·         Your comment must include the following:
o   Your thoughts on the media in which they posted
o   Response to their clarifying question OR Raise a different question

Directions on Accessing the Class Blog, Posting, and Commenting on Blog Post
1.       Check your email for the invitation to access the class blog.
2.       Click the link under “To contribute to this blog visit…”
3.       Go to to access the class blog.
4.       A window will pop up that will have a list of all the blogs in which you are an author of.  Click on the blog titled, “The World is But a Classroom…”
5.       To post a new post, click “New Post” in the top right corner of the blog.
6.       Create a title for your post and type in the field to post. 
7.       To post a comment, when you access the blog, click on the “Comments” at the end of their post.

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