Thursday, February 28, 2013

Love me

In the video "Love me" by Lil wayne ft. Drake, Future they talk about how they dont care about no hater as long their "B*tch" loves them, this is like an oxymoron because for example they have women in animal prints showing how they owe them and they are like pets in a cage. There love for their owner never ends. This shows how women are portrayed as worthless people. The process they have in this video is that they are in a garage with women in cages and dressed very provocative.Wome are receiving this video like an insult but they are still listening to it.I guess because the song is catchy. Why do men like it so much?

Teenagers: Reckless or Mature.

Throughout the media commercialization, teenagers have been the center of every reckless ad in more than many ways of destruction. For example, in the image above, a teen is driving with one hand on the wheel while holding a drink and her friend feeding her what seems to be potatoe chips. These sorts of ad is insituating the harm and carelessness in teen driver. This portrayl is very common in today's media. Allstate commercials are always antagonizing different types of people and lately teens have been their center of news. This then implants to adults the stereotypical image of all teens being this careless behind the wheels, hence addding on to the bad reputations acquired of teenagers. It's quite clear that this insurance company is putting forth the notion that as long young people are alive and existing, people must have theri type of insurance to protect their vehicles. Therefore, my thoughts all lead to the question of: are teenagers and young people always going to be portrayed as this, reckless; or is there any hopes of positive media for them?

How are low-income families portrayed in the news?

Low income families have always been portrayed as unintelligent and gullible. There was a news story in Mobile, Alabama ,where a huge population of low income families reside, that there was a leprechaun sighting in the neighborhood. Of course it was fake because everyone knows that leprechaun are not real. All the witnesses of the mythical creature were low income people showing that they are capable of believing that such a creature would live in their neighborhood. This was mainly due to the editing done by the news agencies. All their footage was set up to lead to the same result. Everyone who sees this news footage now believe all low income people are the same.

 Click here to watch the video of the news footage.

Wale so fineeeeee ; )

I am explaining how females are being portrayed in the song "Bad" by Wale. There is a half positive half negative view for women saying that they have issues loving but don't have problems having sex. Wale portrays this belief by using descriptive lyrics like "She hurt feelings, she break hearts
She stay quiet, she play smart She take pride, in going out Getting hollered at, and saying nah She no saint, but she don't pose She don't wear make up by the boat load Riding through lake shore with the nose upnShe don't really date much but it slows her up She got haters, but we all do." this can be received to females as being true b/c to me we all have issues as females lol. how do you guys feel?
In this video "Bandz a Make her Dance" Juicy J ft Lil Wayne women are seen as sex objects. Something to watch for entertainment. In the video it seems like if you have money a women will do anything for a man just to get it. It also tells the audience that all women shoud have this perfect figure. In the video there are women of all races moving there glute all over mens private area and dancing and swinging all aound poles while money is being thrown at them. For men this video might seem fun and they might wish that they could do that. Some women might find it offensive because of the way they are being viewed and the names they are being called such as "Hoes" and "B*tches". Others might just see the video as entertaining and not care. Everyone has there own point of view. How do YOU viw this video?

When I Was Your Man-Bruno Mars

A recent hit that has been playing on the radio stations lately is When I Was Your Man by Bruno Mars. This is a great song, but what I love about it most is the meaning of the song. Basically, Bruno is stating that he made a mistake of letting go of his "lady" and now that he's trying to get back with her, but she's with another man and he's too late. His song protrays men in society as them being selfish and not appreciating their girlfriends because he even says it in the lyrics of the song, "My pride, my ego, my needs and my selfish ways" meaning because of him being selfish he lost the love of his life. This protrayol of men is negative because it's making men not appreciate the little things in life. This song was writen by Bruno Mars and he recently released his official video off his "Unorthodox Jukebox" album. The video was directed by Cameron Duddy and Bruno Mars himself. The audience reaction to this song, well for women, is great because women want to feel special and don't want men to take advantage of them, but for men, they react shocked because not all men are like this, but some are. Now since this song came out, now other people would want to write about how men are selfish and creat new stereotypes. I can not help but wonder, do all women question whether all men are actually selfish?
Link to the song:

Cosplay vs. Diet Coke a take on "diet" products running our lives

So there's this girl on youtube who's into this game called Kingdom Hearts which is an anime game. Quick sum up about the game it's basically about in epic journey of one dude trying to find his friends and save his world. So this is the episode that shows how if these charaters were in our world and this episode is about the main charater Sora is trying to find classic coke. His journey is documented by his roomate Nicole. These videos basically are combining a Japanese oriented game with American culture. Poking fun at how here in the U.S. we all try to resort to "diet" products to loose weight instead of drinking the original. If anything they are mostly taking about how different their world and our world would be. Not only that throughout the whole video she tends to emphasize how everyone was looking at her funnly. As far as the audience goes most people would enjoy it but those who drink these all the time and don't stick to "classic" versions of these. Side note is that the person playing Sora is a girl, not a boy despite the fact that Sora is a boy. Which leaves us to wonder if we did go about our lives in a cosplay M.O. how would we been seen, and would we look at things the same way?
Part 1:
Part 2:

Harlem Shake, are guys finally getting their sexuality out?

Recently there has been a craze on making videos to the song Harlem Shake, and for some odd reason i found out that girls have not taken the huge part of being the sexual object in these videos but instead the guys are getting out there and showing their "stuff". Its shocking seeing guys shaking their "goodies" on a video because we don't see that many shirtless guys shaking anything in any video or anything at all. Usually we see women shaking and dancing very provocative and sexual, but this totally blew my mind away, men now are taking their role, saying girls y'all better watch it because we can be sexy too, well at least try to be sexy. It is now catching the views of many women and man, but hey i don't mind them expressing the urges that they have held for a long time. It has finally come to men portraying a different role in our society. Girls Rule :D !!!!

How people are portrayed in the show ridiculousness?

The show Ridiculousness is about the most popular YouTube videos. The show host is Rob Dyrdeck. Each is put in with many similar videos but in different categories  The people that do the YouTube videos are portrayed as dumb and stupid for doing  certain things. They are just a sort of entertainment for other people. Most of the people that their videos have gotten  in the show are men of any ages, kids, and animals . The audience sees the videos as hilarious .

The Four Men

In the advertisement shown above for Dolce & Gabbana, the women is being portray as a sexual object. There are four men in this photo with just one lady. One guy is on her being aggressive as he holds her hand down while the other three are just watching. The focus seems to be more on the women than the brand itself. The men are attracted to it, therefore they will look more into it. Whereas women may just bypass it. The women isn't even looking at the guy on top of her, instead she is looking past him. This may not be a big deal with advertisements but it relates to rape. It is a simple "okay" to control a lady. The company may have wanted this image to grab attention to both the women and men- the women would look at the four men without a shirt and the men would look at the women being taken over. I personally would have just passed the advertisement but analyzing it has made me think that it is not okay. It isn't okay for a guy to control a lady and have three other men just watch. I believe it is disrespectful.

How are mothers being portrayed in evolution of mom dancing?

Jimmy Fallon and Michelle Obama are dancing what they call, "The evolution of dance mom's dance" This was created by Michelle Obama, to promote the "Let's move" anti child obesity program. So in this case this is targeted toward obese children. Basically what the video shows is steps like "go shopping, get groceries "station wagon" and many more. This dance is about a mother living a normal housewife life, about being busy taking care of her kids and taking care of her responsibilities as a parent.So both of them show, what a mother does but in a fun way.The video was made so that mothers across America can stay moving with their kids. Which is what Jimmy fallon and Michelle Obama are trying to portrayal, in addition they show how mothers should  inspire their children to stay moving. This also helps Michellle Obama  to promote  her child obesity campaign. I personally think it is hilarious and very true. I really like this because I know that there are a lot of mothers out there in America who think that their job is difficult crucial and over whelming as a parent. This helps mothers to think in a positive way about what they do in their daily lives, and to motivate their children to be active. What do you think about this portrayal? Does it help her campaign, about getting children to move and stay healthy (should mothers really help their kids)?Do you think mothers should use this dance? 

Critical Analysis of Media Blog Post Example

Monday, November 5, 2012
How are women being portrayed in American Apparel Ads?

American Apparel has long been the center of conversations regarding very racy ads featuring women in more than compromising positions.  For example, in the ad above, the woman is advertising the socks while laying very suggestively across a bed.  This sexual innuendo portrays women to be very sexually submissive as the camera snags a portion of the woman's derriere.  This sort of portrayal is not new, but rather commonplace for the company.  Though he has been praised for one of few "Made in America" businesses where all products are made in his Los Angeles factory, company creator and CEO Dov Charney has long been under scrutiny for his very sexually explicit ads.   His response is that the girls are simply personifying their "natural beauty."  In an interview with ABC, he states,"This person looks like a girl you would meet. She looks like our customer."  Charney may be on to something as hundreds of young girls flock to AMerican Apparel to sport the latest in today's fashion.  In September, the company's total revenue was $51.1 million.  Aside from my personal observations from seeing many young girls and young men with these "looks," numbers don't lie.  It is clear that the reception of these ads have been more than positive despite growing concerns behind women's portrayals.  As an adult consumer, my wonder though is how will this affect young women's perception of what it means to be sexy.  I cannot help but wonder, does visual perception of other women affect your personal definition of sexy?

ABC Article -

American Apparel Revenue -

Critical Analysis of Media Blog Post Assignment

The World is But a Classroom…: Critical Analysis of Media

“The least of the work of learning is done in the classroom.” – Thomas Merton

 Follow the directions below to successfully complete this assignment.

Acceptable Forms of Media Include (List of Sources at the End of This Document):
·         Blog Posts
·         Articles from newspapers, magazines, and journals (both print and online)
·         Tweets (from public figures)
·         Facebook Posts (from public figures)
·         Television Shows
·         Films
·         Photos
·         Music Videos
·         Songs and Lyrics
·         Radio Broadcasts
·         Advertisements (Print, Commercials, etc.)

Criteria for Choosing Media
·         Other team members must be able to access the media and/or must know the context.
o   If it is an online source, you will provide the link in your post.
o   If it is a television show or film, you must give a summary of what you are referencing and where we can access it.
o   If it is any of the other acceptable sources, you must provide a link to where it can be accessed.

Your Assignment
1.       Think about the week’s essential question.
2.       Find a media entry in which you find interesting and is related to the week’s essential question.
3.       Write an post with the following:
a.       Explain how ____________ (a specific aspect of culture i.e. women, men, African Americans, Latinos, Christianity, etc.) is portrayed in ____________(the media you have chosen).
                                                               i.      How is this aspect of culture being portrayed?
                                                             ii.      Is the portrayal positive or negative?  Why?
b.      Describe the process of how ________ (the media you have chosen) is created.
                                                               i.      Who are the people that played a role in creating this particular medium?
                                                             ii.      Why do you believe they created this particular medium?
c.       How is ________ being received by _________ (pick a specific audience i.e. teenage girls, middle-class families, Latino women, etc.)?
                                                               i.      What is the audience’s reaction to this medium?
                                                             ii.      How will this medium influence future portrayals of ________ (specific aspect of culture you chose)?
d.      Pose a lingering question you still have related to your post, the aspect of culture you chose, or the medium.
4.       Comment on someone else’s blog post.  Your comment must include the following:
a.       Your thoughts on the media in which they posted.
b.      Response to their clarifying question OR Raise a different question

Criteria for Success
·         Your post must be 4-8 grammatically correct, complete sentences each.
·         You must provide a link to the media in which you are referencing.  If it is a film or TV show, you must give a summary of what you are referencing and where we can access it.
·         Your post must include the following:
o   Explanation of how ____________ (a specific aspect of culture i.e. women, men, African Americans, Latinos, Christianity, etc.) is portrayed in ____________(the media you have chosen).
o   Description of the process of how ________ (the media you have chosen) is created.
o   Response to the question, “How is ________ being received by _________ (pick a specific audience i.e. teenage girls, middle-class families, Latino women, etc.)?”
o   Pose a lingering question you still have related to your post, the aspect of culture you chose, or the medium.
·         Your comment must include the following:
o   Your thoughts on the media in which they posted
o   Response to their clarifying question OR Raise a different question

Directions on Accessing the Class Blog, Posting, and Commenting on Blog Post
1.       Check your email for the invitation to access the class blog.
2.       Click the link under “To contribute to this blog visit…”
3.       Go to to access the class blog.
4.       A window will pop up that will have a list of all the blogs in which you are an author of.  Click on the blog titled, “The World is But a Classroom…”
5.       To post a new post, click “New Post” in the top right corner of the blog.
6.       Create a title for your post and type in the field to post. 
7.       To post a comment, when you access the blog, click on the “Comments” at the end of their post.