Monday, November 12, 2012

First We Disrespect ourselves... now our ELDERS?!

"Karen Klein Bullied by Kids on Greece District School Bus" 


The following post affects everyone who is an adult in America.The woman in the picture above Karen Klein was bullied on a school bus in New york. The teenagers on the bus were the bullies and she was the victim of their insults. Klein was so devastated that a group of young boys would disrespect her on the bus...she was told so many threatening things from her weight to even about her mothers death.The kids would tell her... "Maybe she's an elephant""Dumb-ass, Fat-ass""Karen wants herpes". She was called so many impolite insults, that lead her shedding to tears.This is very negative portrayal,because we come to live life with happiness not to be insulted and have our feelings broken.Klein was only on the bus in the first place to make sure that the passengers, had a good/safe ride home.Right now on youtube  the audience who has seen this dilemma have disliked the video because it shows how kids do not respect their elders. Now that the school directors have seen this happen, it influences them to maybe never again send an adult to monitor a bus because they do not want the same predicament to happen. Honestly maybe the reason why,this type of thing happened was because today's generation Z, is the most disrespectful group of people yet.Because bullying used to just affect young students, now its adults too. The reason why I say this is because,sometimes I see at KIPP when a teacher who works hard for their students is disrespected in many ways,especially the 9th graders. They talk during class,get the teachers angry,disrupt our learning etc.My point is,in my opinion this has to stop because,it's wrong. No one should be treated diferently from others or teased, because everyone has feelings.I mean be treated the way you want people to treat you.I feel really sorry for Karen klein, I mean a woman who has lived through it all did not disereve this. So how does this video affect the way you see bullying in society today? 
Link to the video!


  1. Edwin, I like your thinking!!!
    First of you are correct our generation has lost their manners. We don't know what respecting our elders is and we just end up doing worse, I'm sure most of us don't stop and think, what about if i was that person, would i like to be treated the same way? I'm sure many of us would then answer no and, still move on, while some others might actually take it into consideration, and do something about it. I teach during the weekend and i have experience these actions my self, the students would say inappropriate things that are hurtful and also disrespect each other to the point where you think what made them ever want to act in that certain way? well just to conclude its true we have becomes more disrespectful and i think we need to stop and change it before it gets worse.

  2. This is horrible! I totally agree with you no one should be treated differently! This is can people disrespect elders? That's just wrong...

  3. I can't believe these kids this isn't right and then they wonder why they got in trouble if anything if i had done something like that I'd be in a lot of trouble
