Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Because nerds have high waters & stupid glasses, that's true...RIGHT?

Hol' up hol' up hol' up
Take a second and think- what's the first mental image you see when you think of a nerd? I don't know about you, but I think of this------------------------------------------------------->

What makes me come to this perception of nerds? Media. It's been the funny movies like Revenge of the Nerds and Napoleon Dynamite that have given the general assumption that nerds look ALL the same. Which.. is pretty offensive and shady. I mean, no lie no lie, these movies are hilarious, but think of it like this- it's a stereotype. Just like black people "eat fried chicken" while asians are "great at math," it's been an engraved judgement that nerds are really socially awkward people. That's not true all the time.

Why does media stereotype and categorize certain groups of people wrongly? Is it right? You don't have to tell me the answer.

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