Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The real world of a barbie

Since a girl is born society has put stereotypes all over, starting with the color of clothes they where and ending with the things they have to do. For example in this video made from Aqua called "Barbie Girl" women and girls are being portrayed as easy and dirty females that are willing to do anything for a men.
The worst part  of anythingis is that Barbie has been an sensation since along time ago and this doll is meant to be there example to look up to and dream to be like her because they have the perfect body.Now this video has influenced girls to not only sing along but act like them. Am guessing the artist goal is to catch little girls attention.Now all dolls that are coming on sale are going to do songs like this because people have shown they like them. Whats going to happen to society if songs like this keep being created?

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Nicki Minaj is the flyest women right now in the rap business. most femalesbelieve that they can connect to her lyrics..and her unique fashion. Nicki thinks she all that just because people suposely say they love her..and men said so just to get in her pants.
her career is definitely not going to be successful if it was for ALL THE PLASTIC SURGERY she did to her body to fit in the industry. Nicki Minaj booty wasnt as big it was right now, her fake weaves to get people attention, her breast, etc. ALSO SHE CHANGES HER VOICES AND HER COLORED HAIR to make sure people listens to her and gets more fan possible.
i believe her body has being the only thing that makes her too popular in the rap business, even though she's really great with her music, and puts all her heart in her music..."IF SHE AINT GOT THE BODY, SHE GOTTA GO".
i love Nicki, not only she is great at what she does, but also i can relate to her music and her past...she believes that her body has really took her career to the highest level. Not only Nicki changed her body and a lot for her career, alot of famous females believe the body is the key to your success...ex: Kim kardarshin, Lil Kim, Modanna, Janet Jackson.etc.
lol..otc its kinda LIVEE..HEHEHE!!!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Women in Media

Ever wondered what is a guys dream? What they always wish would happen right infront of them at any given moment? Well I think you can take a wild guess at looking at this photo. They always wanted a girl DJ. Lolol. Im kidding. The thing that every guy fantasizes about is watching two hot girls making out. It doesn't matter how down to earth that guy is. The reason is because they see this in tv, magazines, and video. They see a rich guy with two girls infront of them with beautiful girls and think that woman will do anything for money. So they start giving money to woman to start acting sexy. I don't think it is right but I'll let you decide.

Hardcore Boho Gypsies vs. Modern Bohos

Ever seen the movie rent? If not then I'll explain a bit about it. It's about 8 friends and how they each lead their bohemian lives in the 80s which is actually the example of how extreme bohos can be. But it's also an example how some of the modern day bohos look. Bohos by the way is short for bohemian. Well anyway most pictures that you'll find well be of the so called "typical" bohos look like. A perfect example of that would be the picture on the left. But actually bohos don't always dress like that instead they're more like the picture on the right same aspects but not revealing. Instead they're more conservative and even some might say kinda fashionable. So I ask you do you think that the way someone dresses on tv, youtube, or in a picture mean all of them dress like that or is there more than meets the eye?

Ghetto Black Names?

So this post is about how "Black People" are being portrayed in the YouTube video, "Top 60 Ghetto Black Names". The video is just 2 guys saying random, made up "ghetto" black names. They name 60 names and it just emphasizes all different kinds of names that black people use for names. Some names the boys made up just for fun, but this makes black people look bad because of some of the names they use. There are names such as, Fri'Chickenisha that doesn't even exist, but they probably put it in the video to make fun of black people because there are stereotypes about them that they supposedly eat fried chicken which is not true. This video was created by 2 obviously ignorant teenagers that wanted to make fun of black people names. The two boy's names were Andrew and Isaac, Andrew first came up with the idea of creating this video and randomly in class he started jotting down names and passed it to people around the class to add more names and then when he went home he asked Isaac to do the video. Isaac was a bit skeptical, but they still did the video and it was meant to be a parody and something funny for people to laugh about. Although it's suppose to be funny it can also be offensive. Black people may receive this video as an offense even though it's suppose to be funny because I mean it is making fun of their culture. I know these boys didn't mean it in a bad way, but either way it can be very disrespectful to people, it just depends how people take the video.
Here is the link to the video:

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Because nerds have high waters & stupid glasses, that's true...RIGHT?

Hol' up hol' up hol' up
Take a second and think- what's the first mental image you see when you think of a nerd? I don't know about you, but I think of this------------------------------------------------------->

What makes me come to this perception of nerds? Media. It's been the funny movies like Revenge of the Nerds and Napoleon Dynamite that have given the general assumption that nerds look ALL the same. Which.. is pretty offensive and shady. I mean, no lie no lie, these movies are hilarious, but think of it like this- it's a stereotype. Just like black people "eat fried chicken" while asians are "great at math," it's been an engraved judgement that nerds are really socially awkward people. That's not true all the time.

Why does media stereotype and categorize certain groups of people wrongly? Is it right? You don't have to tell me the answer.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Are women only portrayed as sex objects?

We see them in commercials, magazines, billboards and many other things!
Why is it that males can not model as they do?
Now i know why!
But come one they could of grabbed more attractive men,
such as how they grab attractive women to model.
like these.
Come on this would of totally sold so many more cars than the other guys,
but the truth is that, women would still be used how they are being portrayed, half naked, butt baring, very slim, and of course the usual, perfection. In the magazine, we see them all the time advertising certain things, in a certain way in a form that would attract more people, by having them half naked. Magazines like cosmopolitan, seventeen, women's health, and many more always have a certain ad in which their models look a bit too sensual. What is the point of having them look like that, is it because they want other women to portray themselves like that, or just because they want more viewers from different sexes, well for me it just seems as an objective to get viewers to want certain things. And by having those sexual images our brains register it as attractive, and makes us want those things even more, it may also influence how we look.Media finds many ways to get viewers and the best thing they have done is to portray women more as objects, well would there ever be a point where women will wake up and take action? and how would that affect out society?

First We Disrespect ourselves... now our ELDERS?!

"Karen Klein Bullied by Kids on Greece District School Bus" 


The following post affects everyone who is an adult in America.The woman in the picture above Karen Klein was bullied on a school bus in New york. The teenagers on the bus were the bullies and she was the victim of their insults. Klein was so devastated that a group of young boys would disrespect her on the bus...she was told so many threatening things from her weight to even about her mothers death.The kids would tell her... "Maybe she's an elephant""Dumb-ass, Fat-ass""Karen wants herpes". She was called so many impolite insults, that lead her shedding to tears.This is very negative portrayal,because we come to live life with happiness not to be insulted and have our feelings broken.Klein was only on the bus in the first place to make sure that the passengers, had a good/safe ride home.Right now on youtube  the audience who has seen this dilemma have disliked the video because it shows how kids do not respect their elders. Now that the school directors have seen this happen, it influences them to maybe never again send an adult to monitor a bus because they do not want the same predicament to happen. Honestly maybe the reason why,this type of thing happened was because today's generation Z, is the most disrespectful group of people yet.Because bullying used to just affect young students, now its adults too. The reason why I say this is because,sometimes I see at KIPP when a teacher who works hard for their students is disrespected in many ways,especially the 9th graders. They talk during class,get the teachers angry,disrupt our learning etc.My point is,in my opinion this has to stop because,it's wrong. No one should be treated diferently from others or teased, because everyone has feelings.I mean be treated the way you want people to treat you.I feel really sorry for Karen klein, I mean a woman who has lived through it all did not disereve this. So how does this video affect the way you see bullying in society today? 
Link to the video!

Friday, November 9, 2012

WWE: Women @re being used @s just @ joke....

WWE: Women @re being used @s just @ joke: They are not able to wrestle and the owner of wwe stated "They're there because they are pretty" 

Sad,but true. Women today in WWE are being under utilized in the wrestling division because they are pretty (They are being portrayed just as another pretty face,not as a trained female wrestler), and their wrestling talent is horrible because the WWE don't really seem to pay any attention to them and don't care about the women's division. So instead of the them getting more air time TV to wrestle, what they do is sometimes just get, a skit of 2 minutes where they slap each other. This is a negative way to use women in a wrestling company! There actually suppose to wrestle, not just stand there and be one thing: pretty. This medium of women was created like this because, back in the old days women would actually wrestle and be more trained. But because times have changed, Vince McMahon (the owner) passed on the company to his son in law (Triple H) and he stated he dislikes that there is a women's division in WWE. Also part of the reason why women are being underutilized is because, back in 2004 the WWE began caring how woman looked in their company and began calling them "Divas". They then began signing contract to women with no wrestling experience. Which has brought down, the company ever since. Do to all of this, when rarely a diva math happens and they wrestle, the crowd goes to the restroom, purchase a snack or leaves to do something else. The reason for this is because they find the divas in the company as a waste of time to watched because of how they are being used. The article talks about how the company should trained there women better, make them valets, give them a character, women should get more air time, and sign trained women Recently the company, has lost some great talented women because, they are not utilized correctly and don't like the direction of the company. Recently there have been articles about ending the divas division, and link at the bottom has more in formation. WWE has lost diva Kelly Kelly and Beth Phoenix, 2 great in-ring performers who deserved to be given more opportunities but weren't and so they decided to leave the company. For this reason, because many women are leaving for the same cause, the WWE might end up taking the diva division out of the company. This influences the future because they keep signing in-experienced women, and always will because they are "pretty". What's your opinion, do you think they should utilize their women better? 

Link to the article: 
Link to how divas are used in WWE (Present) 
Link to how women were used in WWE (Before)

Thursday, November 8, 2012

"You cant be what you cant see"

As i began my research on how women are portrayed in media i came across through alot of different articles and videos. So many questions popped in my mind, like what does it take in America for a women to be taken seriously? What does it take to be the "perfect' women? Why having 51% of women in the United States we still have only 17% in congress?
Women around the world are being put in stereotypes and labels of how they are suppose to look, act, talk and just how to even think. And most of this things are being influence by the media and how expectations are set for women.
In the video below different people talk about how media all over has impacted women in there every day life.I kept doing more research and i came across this picture of an Burger Kings' advertisement using women as sexually compared to burger buns to how the way they eat there "Hamburgers". This is portrayed in a negative way because not all women are sexually active or have a perfect body.
In my understanding i think they have created this specificc add to persuaide custumers to come eat a delicious burger like the women in the picture. When people see this i would think they will get hungry but at the same time wonder on other things. (sexual) because by the way the women are posing.When other fast food restuarants see this they are going to think about putting sexy women on their adds because people actually payed attention to Burger Kings add and went to go eat.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe

Diced Pineapples >:)

One of my favorite songs is Diced Pinapples by Rick Ross featuring Drake and Wale. I love the beat of the song, it makes me want to dance, but besides that the song can have an offensive meaning to it. I believe that this song specifically portrays women because this song talks about woman's body parts sexually and Rick Ross wanting to do sexual things to his woman. Basically, it's making woman sound like a boy toy and making woman important only because of their body parts and not their personality. The song was created by Rick Ross he thought of the name of the song and the meaning. He had recently had a seizure and his doctor told him he had to eat a lot of fruit and he thought about pineapples and since then everyday he has been eating diced pineapples. He called Drake and Wale for some help and they all agreed on the idea of the song being called diced pineapples because Ross said, "She could be my diced pineapple. This special lady, she could be what I wake up to every morning and help me get by every day." though it turned out to be sexual. Even though this was a very creative song choice many woman would be offended to hear and watch the video of the song because the video shows woman showing off a lot of body parts. Woman will think, "Wow, this is how woman are being portrayed when in reality not all woman are like this". I love Rick Ross, Drake, and Wale, but sometimes their songs can portray many sexual things towards woman which is so wrong because it can influence people today to think it's okay to see woman as sexual toys

Link to the article I read to see how Rick Ross created the song:

Here is the link to the video:

Link to lyrics of the song:

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

A comedic yet mildly racist look on hispanics

The very popular and comedic duo from youtube whose videos (Cholo Adventures) poke fun at the life of a pair of cholos who don't have it under control. In these videos however the two are poking fun at the different kinds of stereotypes of not only on Mexicans, since the videos titles are "you know your Mexican if...(part _)", but to Hispanics in general. I'm not going to lie though I did get a good kick out of it since I've done at least one of the things on there more than a few times. As comedic as they are, I don't think my family in Mexico, or my mom, or my grandpa would be too happy if they saw this. In fact they probably would find it a little offensive. So I end with this question does laughing at mildly offensive jokes on the internet make it okay if its your own race? Or is it the same? Just click the links below, take a look, and think about it.

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:

Monday, November 5, 2012

How are women being portrayed in American Apparel Ads?

American Apparel has long been the center of conversations regarding very racy ads featuring women in more than compromising positions.  For example, in the ad above, the woman is advertising the socks while laying very suggestively across a bed.  This sexual innuendo portrays women to be very sexually submissive as the camera snags a portion of the woman's derriere.  This sort of portrayal is not new, but rather commonplace for the company.  Though he has been praised for one of few "Made in America" businesses where all products are made in his Los Angeles factory, company creator and CEO Dov Charney has long been under scrutiny for his very sexually explicit ads.   His response is that the girls are simply personifying their "natural beauty."  In an interview with ABC, he states,"This person looks like a girl you would meet. She looks like our customer."  Charney may be on to something as hundreds of young girls flock to AMerican Apparel to sport the latest in today's fashion.  In September, the company's total revenue was $51.1 million.  Aside from my personal observations from seeing many young girls and young men with these "looks," numbers don't lie.  It is clear that the reception of these ads have been more than positive despite growing concerns behind women's portrayals.  As an adult consumer, my wonder though is how will this affect young women's perception of what it means to be sexy.  I cannot help but wonder, does visual perception of other women affect your personal definition of sexy?

ABC Article -

American Apparel Revenue -