Monday, October 22, 2012

Censorship Project Assignment Sheet: Please view!

Censorship Project
Your Assignment
·         Choose one option from your choices below.
·         Complete a project proposal detailing which topic you choose by Tuesday, October 23, 2012.  In your proposal, answer the following on a sheet of paper:
o   Which project did you choose? 
o   Which topic did you choose for your project choice?
o   Why did you choose your project choice and topic?
·         Complete project by Thursday, October 25, 2012.
·         This project is a major grade (60% of your grade).
Criteria for Success
·         You must include each project choice component.
·         Your project must be complete and grammatically correct.
·         Projects must be neat, complete and creative!
Mastery +
Mastery ++
No evidence of work.
Evidence is missing or insufficient.
Evidence is irrelevance, insufficient in number; ignores or strays far from notes.
Meets standard for written preparation. Presents most but not all appropriate examples from notes.
Mastery of written preparation including appropriate evidence, reasons that support the claim.
Mastery of written preparation. Evidence is salient/important and presented in a sophisticated manner that supports a position.

Project Choices:
1.      Critical Viewing: Choose a news show (ex. Anderson Cooper 360, any local news broadcast, etc.) and critique the news show by answering the questions on the “Questioning Media” sheet.  Then, write a 1 page response answering the question, “Based on this show, what is censorship’s effect on its audience?”

2.      Censored Story Presentation: Choose a news story from the “Censored Stories List.”  Prepare and present a 4-6 minute presentation to the classroom or community on your story.  Your presentation must include a visual (i.e. Powerpoint, Poster).  Your presentation must respond to the following questions:
·         Explain your story.
·         Why is your story on the “Censored Stories” list?
·         Do you agree that your story should be on this list?  Why or why not?

3.      Media Production – TV/Video Spot: Choose a topic covered on the news today.  Script, film and edit a 2-3 minute television news story covering the topic of your choice. In your broadcast, you must show evidence of censorship.

4.       Media Production – Radio Spot: Choose a topic covered on the news today.  Script and record a 2-3 minute radio broadcast covering the topic of your choice. In your broadcast, you must show evidence of censorship.

5.      Critical Reading: Choose a daily newspaper or weekly news magazine and critique the reading by answering the questions on the “Questioning Media” sheet.  Then, write a 1 page response answering the question, “Based on this news publication, what is censorship’s effect on its audience? ”

Helpful Resources: You may utilize the resources below or find your own using an internet search engine! (Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.)

Television News Shows
Anderson Cooper 360 – CNN
Local News Shows – Various channels
Good Morning America – ABC
CBS News – CBS
NewsHour With Jim Lehrer - PBS

Censored Stories

News Publications
The Economist
The Houston Chronicle
The Las Vegas Review Journal
TIME Magazine

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