Monday, October 22, 2012

Violence feeds us. News Stations LOVE feeding us.

wait wait wait wait WAIT let's take a quick step backwards. I read a few of these blogs and I see a reocurring problem- it's not about what Gangbangers contribute to our community, or how violence is an ongoing problem in our nation- LOL let's take a step further back and see the REAL issue.


Apart from your KIPP life, if you've ever actually lived a normal people day and watched the news for about an hour, you see the following:
1. Man gets shot
2. Building gets blown up
3. Some rapist dude is on the run
4. Celebrity is doing drugs again

SERIOUSLY. Personally, I think Fox 26 is the worst. At least Channel 13 has some cheesy segments for like, smart kids and Go Green Movements. But it's proof that not only do these stations broadcast such a narrow minded view of negativity, but us as the viewers give in and keep watching.

I know this ain't no legitimate site, but this is by far the best worded answer.

This world's got us sick... but we're not gonna cure it anytime soon.

Censorship Project Assignment Sheet: Please view!

Censorship Project
Your Assignment
·         Choose one option from your choices below.
·         Complete a project proposal detailing which topic you choose by Tuesday, October 23, 2012.  In your proposal, answer the following on a sheet of paper:
o   Which project did you choose? 
o   Which topic did you choose for your project choice?
o   Why did you choose your project choice and topic?
·         Complete project by Thursday, October 25, 2012.
·         This project is a major grade (60% of your grade).
Criteria for Success
·         You must include each project choice component.
·         Your project must be complete and grammatically correct.
·         Projects must be neat, complete and creative!
Mastery +
Mastery ++
No evidence of work.
Evidence is missing or insufficient.
Evidence is irrelevance, insufficient in number; ignores or strays far from notes.
Meets standard for written preparation. Presents most but not all appropriate examples from notes.
Mastery of written preparation including appropriate evidence, reasons that support the claim.
Mastery of written preparation. Evidence is salient/important and presented in a sophisticated manner that supports a position.

Project Choices:
1.      Critical Viewing: Choose a news show (ex. Anderson Cooper 360, any local news broadcast, etc.) and critique the news show by answering the questions on the “Questioning Media” sheet.  Then, write a 1 page response answering the question, “Based on this show, what is censorship’s effect on its audience?”

2.      Censored Story Presentation: Choose a news story from the “Censored Stories List.”  Prepare and present a 4-6 minute presentation to the classroom or community on your story.  Your presentation must include a visual (i.e. Powerpoint, Poster).  Your presentation must respond to the following questions:
·         Explain your story.
·         Why is your story on the “Censored Stories” list?
·         Do you agree that your story should be on this list?  Why or why not?

3.      Media Production – TV/Video Spot: Choose a topic covered on the news today.  Script, film and edit a 2-3 minute television news story covering the topic of your choice. In your broadcast, you must show evidence of censorship.

4.       Media Production – Radio Spot: Choose a topic covered on the news today.  Script and record a 2-3 minute radio broadcast covering the topic of your choice. In your broadcast, you must show evidence of censorship.

5.      Critical Reading: Choose a daily newspaper or weekly news magazine and critique the reading by answering the questions on the “Questioning Media” sheet.  Then, write a 1 page response answering the question, “Based on this news publication, what is censorship’s effect on its audience? ”

Helpful Resources: You may utilize the resources below or find your own using an internet search engine! (Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.)

Television News Shows
Anderson Cooper 360 – CNN
Local News Shows – Various channels
Good Morning America – ABC
CBS News – CBS
NewsHour With Jim Lehrer - PBS

Censored Stories

News Publications
The Economist
The Houston Chronicle
The Las Vegas Review Journal
TIME Magazine

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Channel 13

So because of the assignment for this week, I figured that I should do channel 13 since its pretty local. So when I was looking for the last two days I saw the stories about some crazy things. Most of them were across Houston. The biggest story that might actually affect us in the future, would be the one about a high school kid shooting someone by accident. Which could relate to us because we're in high school and what if one of our own came to school with a pellet gun or even a real one. Of course there were other stories but they weren't super diverse considering the general topics had to do with assault of some kind and the one that in my own opinion didn't matter to us as students was the one about a jailer sexually assaulting a girl for candy.
click the link and you'll see what I mean:

Monday, October 15, 2012


i have observed in CNN that their topic in midnight was about out youth gang bangers in this generation. in CNN they discussed how the O.G (fomal gang member) was shot down in front of his apartment complex. ''our generation today is very different from back in the day'', says a news reporter. CNN also included a gang shoot out relating to the same group of young men, who decided that starting an unnecessary arugement at a local store was ok. which leads to a gang (crip) verse the same gang (crip) over some nike shoes...smh. newsroom also compare this generation with the past generation, but the generation z was and still is the most unwanted, useless, corrupt generation in the history of generations.

I have concluded that there is no way of stopping gang related activity because its something you can never take away from somebody who is really committed to the issue. people that bang are mostly people with messed up family..that really needs a place to belong or people who just loves causing trouble.

our world is filled with crimes and gang has a big role in our society. trying to stop it is a big waste of time because is being around for a long time and still going to be around in the future.VIOLANCE IS WHAT GENERATION Z IS REPESENTING...!!!!!!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Crime, Crime and More Crime

Typical. What i observe from the news are always the same. They are always negative. These stories are all about abuse and are also something fatal occurs whether it is accidental or someone committing a crime. Generally they are all the same point about crimes. Not much diversity in the stories except for one which is a story about teamwork where Harris County and the city of Houston are sharing a fund to open new buisenesses. Out of the 5 stories i read only 1 was irrelevant to crime in our area meaning most news are for the public to be aware of the danger that is in our communities. Why cant there be more positive news?

World News! :o

Hey people!!!!!! So this week our blog was suppose to be on censorship so here it is...
For two days I have been following to gather news that are happening around the world not just in Houston.

Links to stories I followed:
1. Story about a brain eating amoebas:
2. Man punches lawyer after sentencing:
3. Mom admits she super-glued her child's hands:
4. Gang-raped girl in India:

Response to questions:
When I saw these stories I observed that the world is not a perfect place at all! There's all kinds of horrible situations happening everywhere. From brain eating substances to a girl getting raped in India...that's some bad stuff. As I was just looking through the website other stores that were similar to these stories had come up. Like there was a little girl named Jessica that was gone missing and was maybe kidnapped in Colorado. There was diversity among each news around the world there's wasn't just one specific news. The story of brain eating amoebas I found really important because it has be a hazard when you go swimming in fresh water like rivers so you just have to be cautious about that. I think these stories are chosen by media outlets by maybe organizing each story from the most  to least important so that we can know the important things first if it applies to us.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

H-Town Crimes.. when will they reach the end of the line

This new post has to do with this weeks blog assignment....CENSORSHIP. 

The local Television news station that I am using is LOCAL 2 (aka channel 2, since tuesday I have been looking and watching 4 major news stories. They are the following ( they come along with the url's, for more infor mation simply click on it) 


* The first story- Talks about how a 17 year old was accused of manslaughter toward a firefighter,in a car crash, and the galveston police told lies like for ex: That he failed his blood alchohol test.
The second  story- Talks about a mother who his scared to live in her home because rats live there, and her apartment manager has done nothing to help her or her neighbor hood with the rat problem
The third story- There was a person a t walmart who sold this young girls mother an ipad box with no ipad in it but a ton of notecards, at walmart.
The last story- not much info, but it is a bout a man who tried to rape a girl inside prison

Censorship Questions: i thhink that the news people in their community like to search for crimes,threats, or dilemmas in other peoples lives (as you can clearly see, they are all about crimes, which is in their nature). The story are not mentioned the next day, so no they are not covered acrooss the spectrum, but are on the same topic though (crimes). I think that there is some diversity even though it is about basically the same topic, the news people interview diff. people from diff. cultures and the stories are diff. like one is about a girl ruined birthday and another is about rats invading someone elses home. I honestly think that the most irrelevant stories are the rape one and the rat one. The relevant ones are the IPAD and THE WRECK DEATH, the reason is because I think people can relate to more because there have been times where people have stolen fromm you and how there are car accidents like everyday. I think news stories are chosing by media outlets by things that can affect us a very bad way and they want to attract the aucdience attention by this and so this is how it is chosen.


From The Sun( reports from hip hop weekly)
CHRIS BROWN never married his ex but their split is still costing him some serious cash. The singer has handed a lump sum to KARRUECHE  TRAN so she can buy herself a house. The couple broke up last week over his friendship with RIHANNA.
The Bajan has been on her best behaviour too since her ex-boyfriend’s break-up. A source said: “Neither Rihanna nor Chris want to make things harder for her than they already are.
“Chris wants to set her up financially and do right by her – he wants her to stay in his life if possible.
“Rihanna called Karrueche for a proper heart-to-heart. They needed to air a few problems. “The girls talked for close to two hours. Rih answered all of the questions and Karrueche had a few home truths to tell her.”
And now…

Monday, October 1, 2012


regulation means to control a big society and keep everything under control. without regulations, nobody will have anything to depend on, crimes will increase, death rate will increase, and even bankrupt will be approved. regulation is what keep us together, and under control. government do have the right to rules to better our community, it conduct the principle of th nation  by helping the business run smoothly.
there are good and bad regulation in our society but we as people have the right to use our first amendement against the government and speak up for ourselves when we dont approve the wrong regulations. there are also regulations that we dont have the right to change which means its there as a fact not an opinion, so meaning that is there to better our state prombles..ex: economics.
regulation is definitely involve in our everyday life because without it, government are cheating us out of our first amendement.