Tuesday, March 5, 2013


in this song called "strength of a women" is dedicated to all women out in this world and is struggling to make the world better for her and her family. in this music, it portrays women in a good way because without us, the world wouldn't be this beautiful. its a very POSITIVE dedication; he is thanking women for how much strength they have in this world and is motivated everyday to do their duty here on Earth.
The people that played role in this media are mostly women because it is dedicated to them.This particular media was created to make all women around the world to feel GREAT about themselves and motivates them to continue doing what they are doing. The audience are very much inlove with this media because it was positive and sweet. This media will influence the future portrayal by helping women not bring each other down, help the men realize all women are a QUEEN and should be treated and rewarded everyday and also motivates women to keep their head up because they are the most important creation here on Earth.

A Haunted House: White People Portrayal

In the film A Haunted House portrays white people as the less intelligent and uncomfortable people. In several scenes of the film a white couple is portrayed as "swingers" which is a term for sexual partners that are frowned upon in several communities. In another scene a pair of "paranormal investigators" are involved to solve the case of the ghost but are shown as unintelligent and inappropriate  In one more additional scene a physchic is hired and is portrayed as a homosexual towards the main male actor. Although the purpose of the film is to be humerous, it can be seen as negative and offensive toward the white race and gay community. Personally i find this film very humorous as the message intends although others may find it offensive possibly such as anyone who is a homosexual or white. Although it is intended to express this film's genre as funny, is it alright to make jokes about topics such as these even if its not taken seriously?

Do People do Anything for Money?


Total Wipe Out, a show that first started in 2009, is for people to compete on a series of challenges and for the finalist to win $10,000. The show is targeting teenagers and adults who like to watch competitive challenges, have a laugh or one day be part of  the show. Most people who have participated in this show have been portrayed with an insane and bizarre character. Even though the hosts of the show make jokes out of them, people have contributed a larger part on embarrassing themselves in live TV. After watching this episode, would you ever take the challenge and participate in this show and how does money control people's actions?

Monday, March 4, 2013

Kendrick Lamar: Poetic Justice

In Kendrick Lamar Poetic Justice music video African-American are being portrayed as criminals,potheads,the cruise at late hours of the night,with their cliques, drinkers, loud, having a party at crazy hours of the night. Creating a negative view towards African-Americans because, it gives an idea that all African-American are like the ones in the music video.But remember its just telling the story of a Rapper and how life was for him when he was growing up. 

Taco Bell , why do they keep using senior citizens? 

Taco bell recently has been using a lot of senior citizens in their recent commercials.  The way senior citizens are being portrayed in this taco bell commercial are rebellious and living life to the fullest. The portrayal of the senior citizens are leaning more toward the positive side.  It makes the senior citizens look like as if they are younger and they are living life like as if it was their last. "YOLO".  I think that the taco bell company used senior citizens because of their logo, " Live mas" which means to live more.  When you think of senior citizens you think of fragile and old, but when you see the commercial you get a new perspective of senior citizens.  My reaction to this was " omg are you kidding me, haha " , i bet that was a lot of peoples reaction.  If you had to make a commercial would you use senior citizens ? (:

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Love me

In the video "Love me" by Lil wayne ft. Drake, Future they talk about how they dont care about no hater as long their "B*tch" loves them, this is like an oxymoron because for example they have women in animal prints showing how they owe them and they are like pets in a cage. There love for their owner never ends. This shows how women are portrayed as worthless people. The process they have in this video is that they are in a garage with women in cages and dressed very provocative.Wome are receiving this video like an insult but they are still listening to it.I guess because the song is catchy. Why do men like it so much?

Teenagers: Reckless or Mature.

Throughout the media commercialization, teenagers have been the center of every reckless ad in more than many ways of destruction. For example, in the image above, a teen is driving with one hand on the wheel while holding a drink and her friend feeding her what seems to be potatoe chips. These sorts of ad is insituating the harm and carelessness in teen driver. This portrayl is very common in today's media. Allstate commercials are always antagonizing different types of people and lately teens have been their center of news. This then implants to adults the stereotypical image of all teens being this careless behind the wheels, hence addding on to the bad reputations acquired of teenagers. It's quite clear that this insurance company is putting forth the notion that as long young people are alive and existing, people must have theri type of insurance to protect their vehicles. Therefore, my thoughts all lead to the question of: are teenagers and young people always going to be portrayed as this, reckless; or is there any hopes of positive media for them?